Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen (Fachzeitschriften)
Rohde JM, Kunnel A, Becker I, Unger HL, Hummel J, Röhrig G. Profiling of patients in a specialized geriatric outpatient clinic. Accepted by Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 2022; Ms. No. ZFGG-D-22-00011R1
Röhrig G, Lindner R. Psychosomatische Grundversorgung Älterer. Internistische Praxis 2022, 65(1): 1-9
Blasi AM, Röhrig G, Noack MJ, Barbe AG. Parodontitis und Entzündungsanämie im Alter: Zusammenhänge zwischen oraler Gesundheit und systemischer Erkrankung. Bayerisches Zahnärzteblatt 11/2021; 58:66-70
Röhrig G, Lindner R. Psychosomatische Grundversorgung Älterer- CME Artikel. Accepted 2021 by InFo SCHMERZ & GERIATRIE 2021; Vol. 3, Nr. 2.
Rott T, Bleiel D, Röhrig G, Noack MJ, Barbe G. KNIPS – Kölner Niedrigschwelliges Interprofessionelles Photo Screening. Quintessenz Team Journal 51 (2021) 593-597.
RöhrigG. Geriatrische Diagnostik. Forum 2021, 36:220-223; doi: org/10.1007/s12312-021-00928-x
Röhrig G, Spiritus A, Hagemeier A, Derman SHM, Noack JM, Barbe AG. Subjective oral health problems of geriatric outpatients and general medical geriatric findings – a pilot study. Accepted by ZfGG 6.11.2020, Ms No ZFGG-D-20-00134R1
Barbe AG, Spiritus S, Hagemeier A, Noack MJ, Röhrig G. Erfassung der Mundgesundheit von ambulant betreuten Senioren durch Hausärzte– Entwicklung und Validierung des geriatrischen ambulanten Mundgesundheits-Screenings (GAMS). Accepted by ZfGG 7.4.2020; Ms. No. ZFGG-D-20-00023R1
Röhrig G, Schmidt P, Bussmann M, Kunter H, Noack JM, Barbe AG. Do subjectively and objectively impaired oral health parameters influence geriatric assessment results in hospitalized geriatric patients? European Geriatr Med 2020; DOI :10.1007/s41999-020-00306-1.
Röhrig G. „Blass und müde“ – Vorgehen bei V. a. Eisenmangel [„Pale and tired (iron deficiency)“]. MMW Fortschr Med. 2020 Nov;162(20):50-53. German. doi: 10.1007/s15006-020-4466-9
Röhrig G, Lindner R; Survey on psychosomatic treatment options in geriatric clinical routine: state of the art. AG Gerontopsychosomatik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie (DGG). Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2019;
Röhrig G, Becker I, Gutensohn K and Nebe T. White blood cell counts, CRP, GGT and LDH in the elderly German population. Accepted by Journal of Laboratory Medicine No JLM.2018.0133.R2
Röhrig G, Becker I, Gutensohn K and Nebe T. Red blood cell counts and indices in the elderly German population. J Lab Med 2018; 42(4): 131–139
Röhrig G, Polidori MC, Rascher K, Schaller M, Benzing T, von Gersdorff G. Burden of multi-morbidity and outcomes in ambulatory geriatric hemodialysis patients: a report from the QiN-registry in Germany; accepted by ZfGG 03/2016, Ms. No. ZFGG-D-16-00035R1;
Röhrig G, Becker I, Gebauer S, Jäger M, Lenzen-Grossimlinghaus R, Modreker MK, Schulz RJ, Willschrei HP, Wirth R Association between hematologic parameters and functional impairment among geriatric inpatients: data of a prospective cross-sectional multicenter study („GeriPrävalenz2013“); Maturitas, 2016; 90:37-41;
Röhrig G, Rücker Y, Becker I, Adams, Anne, Gebauer S, Jäger M, Lenzen-Grossimlinghaus R, Modreker MK, Schulz RJ, Willschrei HP, Wirth R Association of anemia with functional and nutritional status in the German multicenter study „GeriAnaemie2013” accepted by ZfGG 02/2016; Ms. No. ZFGG-D-15-00137R1;
Röhrig G, Hörter M, Becker I, Adams, Anne, Gebauer S, Jäger M, Lenzen-Grossimlinghaus R, Modreker MK, Schulz RJ, Willschrei HP, Wirth R. Anemia prevalence and hematologic findings in German geriatric inpatients – results of the prospective cross-sectional multicenter study “GeriAnaemie2013”. accepted by European Geriatric Medicine, No EGM-D-16-00015R1;
Röhrig G, Becker I, Polidori MC, Schulz RJ, Noreik M. Association of anaemia and hypoalbuminaemia in German geriatric inpatients: relationship to nutritional status and comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA). Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2015; 48 (7): 619-624
Röhrig G, Steinmetz T, Stein J, Geisel T, Virgin G, Schaefer R, Bach M, Schulz RJ. Analysis of efficacy and tolerance of intravenous iron application (ferric carboxymaltose) in anemic geriatric patients: pooled data from three non-interventional studies. Münchner Med. Wochenschrift Fortschritte der Medizin, N2/2014 (156. Jahrgang)
Röhrig G, Klossok W, Becker I, Benzing T, Schulz RJ. Prevalence of anemia among geriatric patients in an emergency room setting. European Geriatric Medicine 2013; 5 (1): 3-7
Röhrig G, Nobbe C, Weiss V, Schulz RJ: Hepcidin in anaemic Geriatric Patients with Non-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease (ND-CKD). European Geriatric Medicine 2013; 4 (4): 221-225
Röhrig G, Rappl G, Vahldieck B, Kaul I, Schulz RJ: Serum-Hepcidin bei Eisenmangelanämie und Anämie chronischer Erkrankungen im geriatrischen Kollektiv. Z Gerontol Geriat 2013; 47 (1): 51–56
Röhrig G, Schulz RJ: Anämie im Alter – Dringlicher Bedarf an einer Leitlinie. Z Gerontol Geriat 2012;45:182-185.
Röhrig G, Maier WA, Seitz HM. Growth-stimulating influence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on Plasmodium falciparum in vitro. Zentralbl Bakteriol. 1999 Feb;289(1):89-99.
Barbe AG, Schmidt P, Bussmann M, Kunter H, Noack MJ, Röhrig G. Xerostomia and hyposalivation in orthogeriatric patients with fall history and impact on oral health-related quality of life.Clin Interv Aging. 2018 Oct 12;13:1971-1979.
Lieske B, Becker I, Polidori MC, Schulz RJ, Kassubek J, Röhrig G. Intravenous iron administration in Restless Legs Syndrome – an observational study in geriatric patients . (accepted by Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie; Ms. No. ZFGG-D-15-00104R1)
Zilinski J, Zillmann R, Becker I, Benzing T, Schulz RJ, Röhrig G. Prevalence of anemia among elderly in-patients and its association with multidimensional loss of function. Ann Hematol. 2014; 93 (10): 1645-54.
Lieske B, Röhrig G, Becker I, Schulz RJ, Polidori MC, Kassubek J Stationär behandelte geriatrische Patienten mit Eisenmangel-assoziiertem Restless Legs Syndrom: eine retrospektive Analyse. Accepted by MMW November 2016, to be published by March 2017;
Noreik M, Maurmann M, Meier V, Becker I, Röhrig G, Polidori MC, Schulz RJ. Resting energy expenditure (REE) in an old-old population: implications for metabolic stress. Exp Gerontol. 2014 Nov;59:47-50.
Frisse S, Schulz RJ, Röhrig G, Franklin J, Polidori MC. Prescription errors in geriatric patients can be avoided by means of a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) ; Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2015 Jun 11. [Epub ahead of print]
Röhrig G, Gütgemann I, Gurlit S, Jabs HU, Kolb G, Leischker A. The geriatric syndrome of anemia-Summary of the symposium of the working group anemia during the annual meeting of the German Geriatric Society 2018 in Cologne, Germany. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2019
Röhrig G. Die Therapie des Eisenmangels – Handeln, bevor der Patient blass wird. MMW – Fortschritte der Medizin 2019 (4).
Röhrig G. Anämie im Alter. CME. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2018 Nov 29.
Röhrig G. Anämie – Im Alter multikausale oder (noch) nicht feststellbare Ursachen. Der Privatarzt. 2018 (6): 16-18.
Röhrig G, Kolb G. Thromboembolieprophylaxe im Alter. CME. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2018 Apr 5.
Röhrig G, Gütgemann I, Leischker A, Kolb G. Anemia in the aged – a geriatric syndrome? : Second position paper on anemia in the aged by the working group anemia of the German Geriatric Society.Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2018 Dec;51(8):919-921.
Röhrig G, Gütgemann I, Kolb G & Leischker A. Anemia in the aged is not ageing related: position paper on anemia in the aged by the “working group anemia” of the German Geriatric Society (DGG). European Geriatric Medicine 2018; Eur Geriatr Med. e-ISSN 1878-7657;
Röhrig G, Kolb G; AG Anämie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie (DGG). Thromboembolism prophylaxis in old age. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2018 Apr;51(3):349-363.
Röhrig G, Gütgemann I, Kolb G, Leischker A. Clinical hematological symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in old age : Summarized overview of this year’s symposium of the Working Group „Anemia in the Aged“ on the occasion of the annual conference of the German Geriatric Society (DGG) in Frankfurt. Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2018 Jun;51(4):446-452.
Röhrig G. Anemia in the aged.Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2018 Dec;51(8):932-943.
Röhrig G, Gütgemann I, von Gersdorff G, Polidori MC, Lupescu A, Lang F, Kolb G.Current insights into anemia in old age : Summary of the symposium „Anemia in old age“ on the occasion of the annual congress of the German Society for Geriatrics (DGG) 2016 in Stuttgart.Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2018 Apr;51(3):343-348.
Saad F, Röhrig G, v.Haehling S. Testosterone deficiency and testosterone treatment in older men. Accepted by „Gerontology“ October 15, 2016; Manuscript No.: 201608022
Röhrig G. Anemia in the frail, elderly patient. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2016;11:319-26.
Frohnhofen H, Pianta T, Röhrig G, Schulz RJ . Palliativmedizin in der Geriatrie. Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin 11/2014; 15(06):266-275.
Röhrig G, Schulz RJ: Anämie im Alter. CME-zertifizierte Fortbildung. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2013; 46(2):167-176
Röhrig G, Doehner W, Schaefer RM, Schulz RJ. Anemia and Iron Deficiency in the Elderly – Prevalence, Diagnostic and new Therapeutic options. Z Gerontol Geriatr 2012; 45: 191-196
Röhrig G, Schulz RJ: Myelodysplastische Syndrome (MDS) – Diagnostik und Therapie. Geriatrie Journal 2010; 3:36-41.